Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ervice Performance and Service Quality of the Starbucks free essay sample

It is the intention of this essay to critically analyse our team performance for discussion of the service delivery process of the Starbucks coffee shop. Secondly, this easy will evaluate some important fators about service performance and service quality of the Starbucks. 2. 0Discussion I am a member of group fighters. Our group has chose Starbucks coffee to evaluate the process and manner of its service delivery. We went to the Starbucks coffee shop where is in the Swanston Street. We bought a cup of coffee for each one, and then we discussed this coffee shop’s service. Our group discussed some elements that are about critical or important for service performance and service quality. Each member provided their own opinions and we discussed together. We thought this way is better than to separate the questions, because we can listen all of members’ ideas. We discussed that the servicescape is the physical environment in which service delivery. Servicescapes are an important tangible component of the service product that provide cues to customers and create an immediate perceptual image in customers’ minds. In the Starbucks coffee shop’s servicescape, there are some pop songs played in the store, music can be used as an effective tool to minimize the negative consequences of waiting in any service operations. They opened the heater in the store, customers feel warm in the store, and they have yellow lighting, as well as they provide some comfortable chairs and clean table. The store that we have been got two floors, so they offered a relax space to customers. Those factors of servicescape can attract customer to get in the store. The result of our discussion about the location of the Starbucks coffee shop is that there are two stores in the Swanston Street; they are all in the CBD, near the shopping centers and company’s office. They are easily found location with good exposure, street frontage and ground floor access, and hey are also walking distance from public transport. The one we have been is bigger than another one, and it is brighter. The service process for the Starbucks coffee shop has several steps. First step is the customers get in to the coffee shop; second step is customers go to the encounter or queue up in front of the encounter; third step is the staff of coffee shop greet with customers; forth step is the staff takes order from customers and ask them â€Å"would you like anything else? ; fifth step is the staff asks the custo mers’ name and write on the cups; sixth step is customers pay the bill; seventh step is customers go to the another encounter to waiting the drinks; eighth step is the staff calls the customers’ name; ninth step is customers crap the drinks; finally, the staff says goodbye and have nice day to customers. When customers order the drinks, they have to join a queue in front of encounter. This likes a policy in the every coffee shop. They also have some supplementary services, such as customers can take away the drinks, or the store provides some chairs and tables for customers can have drink inside the store. We also discussed about the human resource management for the Starbucks coffee shop. There are five people in the store, one staff takes order and check the bills, two staffs make the drinks, one staff cleans the cups or machines, and the last one is manager, he monitors the other employees work and when the peak hours, he will help them to take order or make drinks. There are some technology in the process of service delivery, such as they uses the computer to take orders, to uses coffee machine to make coffees, and they also provide the wireless to get in the Internet. Those technologies can speed the Starbucks service process. Sometime, during the staff takes order, it might has some mistakes, like the drink customers get is different from the ordering from customers, or sometimes, customers have some special requests for the drinks, but when the staff make the drink, he/she forget the customers’ special requests. Those are some potential problems or errors. We all agree the variation, customization and flexibility of drinks is limitation. Customers only can order like they want to add milk in the coffee but no sugars. They cannot order the drink too complicated, such as customer wants to put some tea into the coffee. The Starbucks wouldn’t do it. We discussed the opportunities for alternative delivery systems of the same core service product. The core service products are that the Starbuck coffee shop offers coffee, tea, maybe milkshakes and simply food to customers. We think they can offer home delivery service in the future. It likes customers can order though the phone or websites, then the staffs will deliver the products to customers’ home or office. I think the balance between service delivery efficiency form an operational and management perspective, and the customer’s need for attention in a satisfactory time is that they offer a high quality and efficiency service, as well as a great taste of drinks. Customers can get a good taste drinks, but they do not need to waiting the drinks for a long time, the Starbucks has achieved this factor, because the tasks was separated for each employees in the store, it is made the service process quicker, and the drinks got a high standard. Therefore, the customers are satisfied. 3. 0Conclusion In conclusion, this is the results of our discussion and our group’s performance. The service performance of the Starbucks has satisfied the customers. The environment, conditions and service of the Starbucks has got a sufficient standard which compare with their competitors.

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