Monday, December 30, 2019

Immigrant Voting Eligibility and Requirements

Naturalization typically increases as national elections draw closer, as more immigrants want to participate in the democratic process. This is especially true if immigration issues become important to the campaigns, as in 2016 when Donald Trump proposed building a wall across the U.S. border with Mexico and putting sanctions on Muslim immigrants. Naturalization applications increased by 11% in the 2015 fiscal year over the year before, and jumped 14% leading into 2016, according to U.S. immigration officials. A surge in naturalization applications among Latinos and Hispanics appears linked to Trumps positions on immigration. Officials say by the November election, close to 1 million new citizens could be eligible to vote -- an increase of about 20% over typical levels. More Hispanic voters is likely good news for Democrats who have relied on immigrant support in recent national elections. Worse for Republicans, polls showed that eight out of 10 Hispanic voters had a negative opinion about Trump. Who Can Vote in the United States? Simply put, only U.S. citizens can vote in the United States. Immigrants who are naturalized U.S. citizens can vote, and they have exactly the same voting privileges as natural-born U.S. citizens. There is no difference. Here are the basic qualifications for voting eligibility: You must be a U.S. citizen.Green card holders, or permanent residents, are not allowed to vote in national elections. A few localities — only a few —allow green card-holders to vote in municipal elections. But otherwise, as an immigrant, to participate in state and national elections, you must have completed the naturalization process and earned U.S. citizenship.You must have lived in the state where you’re intending to vote for a minimum period of time. It’s usually 30 days but does vary from some states to others. Check with your local elections officials.You must be at least 18 years old on or before election day. A few states permit 17-year-olds to vote in primaries if they will turn 18 by the general election. Check with your local elections officials.You must not have a felony conviction that disqualifies you from voting. If you have been convicted of a serious crime, you must get your civil rights restored to vote, and that’s not an easy proc ess.You must not have been declared â€Å"mentally incompetent† by a court of law. Immigrants who are not naturalized U.S. citizens face serious criminal penalties if they try to vote in an election illegally. They risk a fine, imprisonment or deportation. Also, it is important that your naturalization process is completed before you try to vote. You must have taken the oath and formally become a U.S. citizen before you can legally vote and participate fully in American democracy. Voting Registration Rules Vary by the State The Constitution allows the states wide discretion to set voting registration and election rules. This means that registering to vote in New Hampshire can have different requirements than registering to vote in Wyoming or Florida or Missouri. And the dates of local and state elections also vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. For example, the forms of identification that are acceptable in one state may not be in others. It’s very important to find out what the rules are in your state of residence. One way to do this is to visit your local state elections office. Another way is to go online. Nearly all states have websites where up-to-the-minute voting information is readily accessible. Where To Find Information on Voting A good place to find out your state’s rules for voting is the Election Assistance Commission. The EAC website has a state-by-state breakdown of voting dates, registration procedures and election rules. The EAC maintains a National Mail Voter Registration Form that includes voter registration rules and regulations for all the states and territories. It can be a valuable tool for immigrant citizens who are trying to learn how to participate in U.S. democracy. It is possible to use the form to register to vote or to change your voting information. In most states, it’s possible to complete the National Mail Voter Registration Form and simply print it, sign it and mail it to the address listed under your state in the State Instructions. You can also use this form to update your name or address, or to register with a political party. However, once again, states have different rules and not all states accept the National Mail Voter Registration Form. North Dakota, Wyoming, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands do not accept it. New Hampshire accepts it only as a request for an absentee voter mail-in registration form. For an excellent overview of voting and elections across the country, go to the website where the government offers a wealth of information about the democratic process. Where Do You Register To Vote? You may be able to sign up to vote in person at the public places listed below. But again, remember that what applies in one state may not apply in another: The state or local voter registration or elections office, sometimes known as the elections supervisor’s office.The department of motor vehicles. Yes, where you get a driver’s license is often also the place where you can register to vote.Certain public assistance agencies. Some states use the social services network to promote voter registration.Armed services recruitment centers. A military recruiter may be able to help you sign up to vote.State-run programs that help people with disabilities.Any public entity that a state has designated as a voter registration center. Do some research to find out if there’s a government facility near you that might be able to help. Taking Advantage of Absentee or Early Voting In recent years, many states have done more to make it easier for voters to participate through early voting days and absentee ballots. Some voters may find it impossible to make to the polls on the Election Day. Perhaps they’re out of the country or hospitalized, for example. Registered voters from every state can request an absentee ballot that can be returned by mail. Some states require that you give them a specific reason — an excuse — why you are unable to go to the polls. Other states have no such requirement. Check with your local officials. All states will mail an absentee ballot to eligible voters who request one.  The voter may then return the completed ballot by mail or in person.  In 20  states, an excuse is required, while  27  states and the District of Columbia permit any qualified voter to vote absentee without giving an excuse.  Some states offer a permanent absentee ballot list: once a voter asks to be added to the list, the voter will automatically receive an absentee ballot for all future elections. As of 2016, Colorado, Oregon and Washington used all-mail voting. Every eligible voter automatically receives a ballot in the mail. Those ballots can be returned in person or by mail when a voter completes them. More than two-thirds of the states — 37 and also the District of Columbia — offer some sort of early voting opportunity. You can cast your ballot days before Election Day at various locations. Check with your local election office to find out what early voting opportunities are available where you live. Be Sure To Check for ID Law in Your State By 2016, a total of 36  states had passed laws requiring voters to show some form of identification at the polls, usually a photo ID.  Roughly 33  of these voter identification laws were expected to be in force by the 2016 presidential election. The others are tied up in the courts. Laws in Arkansas, Missouri  and Pennsylvania laws have been struck down going into the 2016 presidential race. The remaining 17  states use other methods to verify the identity of voters. Again, it varies from state to state. Most frequently, other identifying information a voter provides at the polling place, such as a signature, is checked against information on file. In general, states with Republican governors and legislatures have pushed for photo IDs, claiming a higher standard of identity verification is needed to prevent fraud. Democrats have opposed photo ID laws, arguing the voting fraud is virtually non-existent in the United States and the ID requirements are a hardship for the elderly and poor. President Obama’s administrations have opposed the requirements. A study by researchers at Arizona State University found 28 cases of voter fraud convictions since 2000. Of those, 14% involved absentee ballot fraud. â€Å"Voter impersonation, the form of fraud that voter ID laws are designed to prevent, made up only 3.6% of those cases,† according to the study’s authors. Democrats argue that if Republicans were really serious about cracking down on the rare cases of fraud that have occurred, Republicans would do something about absentee voting where the likelihood of misconduct is far greater. In 1950, South Carolina became the first state to require identification from voters at the polls. Hawaii started requiring IDs in 1970 and Texas followed a year later. Florida joined the movement in 1977, and gradually dozens of states fell in line. In 2002, President George W. Bush signed the Help America Vote Act into law. It required all first-time voters in federal elections to show a photo or non-photo ID upon either registration or arrival at the polling place A Brief History of Immigrant Voting in the U.S. Most Americans don’t realize that immigrants — foreigners or non-citizens — were commonly allowed to vote in elections during the Colonial era. More than 40 states or territories, including the original 13 colonies leading up to the signing of the Declaration of Independence, have allowed foreigners voting rights for at least some elections. Non-citizen voting was widespread in the United States for the first 150 years of its history. During the Civil War, Southern states turned against allowing voting rights to immigrants because of their opposition to slavery and support for the North. In 1874 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that residents in Missouri, who were foreign-born but had committed to becoming U.S. citizens, should be allowed to vote. But a generation later, public sentiment had swung against immigrants. The growing waves of new arrivals from Europe — Ireland, Italy and Germany in particular — brought a backlash against giving rights to non-citizens and accelerating their assimilation into U.S. society. In 1901, Alabama stopped allowing foreign-born residents to vote. Colorado followed a year later, and then Wisconsin in 1902 and Oregon in 1914. By World War I, more and more native-born residents opposed allowing newly arrived immigrants to participate in U.S. democracy. In 1918, Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota all changed their constitutions to deny non-citizens voting rights, and Indiana, Mississippi and Texas followed. Arkansas became the last state to ban voting rights for foreigners in 1926. Since then, the way into the voting booth for immigrants is through naturalization.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Use of Technology in the Classroom Potentials and...

Use of Technology in the Classroom: Potentials and Pitfalls In the last decade, increasingly powerful technologies have begun to make their way into classrooms across the nation. Many classrooms are now equipped with personal computers that run educational software to help teach students facts and concepts in a more engaging way than a traditional lecture. Advances in telecommunications technologies have led to almost universal access to the Internet, allowing students and teachers to communicate with people from around the world and gain access to a wealth of educational materials. New ways of obtaining and presenting information have given students powerful new methods for understanding the world around them. However, while use of†¦show more content†¦In another study, one group of ninth-grade students studied the Civil War by developing hypermedia presentations; a second group covered the same material using traditional approaches. The group with the hypermedia experience recalled more Civil War facts had a more realistic understanding of the role of the historian (Carver et al.). However, without proper teacher training, schools that seek to implement technology and computers in the classroom are wasting their money. SPAN style=FONT-SIZE: 12ptMany Millions of dollars are spent each year on computers and other educational technologies that go unused because the teachers are not knowledgeable enough or confident enough in their technology skills to use them. Many teachers want to learn to use educational technology effectively, but they lack the time, access, and support necessary to do so. To implement a successful educational technology program, schools must invest in a well-planned professional development program that provides ongoing training for teachers, including a formal evaluation procedure; a one-day workshop is certainly insufficient (Carlson). Thus, while the use of technology in the classroom can be highly beneficial, it is important to Show MoreRelatedAmong The List Of Things For Managers To Consider When1300 Words   |  6 Pageseffective cohesion amongst the group. As part of the globalized workplace, many companies may find it challenging to connect employees and branches across the globe. In response, many companies are now turning to the substantial advancements in technology that provide them with new communication tools needed to rapidly send information between long-distance workers. In today’s business world, the implementation of virtual work teams has become an exciting, practical, and increasingly-accepted approachRead MoreShould a Computer Grade Your Essays?1499 Words   |  6 PagesCase Study 11: Should a Computer Grade Your Essays? 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Latin american woman from 1825 Free Essays

From 1810 to 1825 women were engaged effectively in different wars of independence against the Spanish.   The most recognized women were the Latin American women who were deeply involved in the struggles for independence especially in the struggle for women’s rights in the broadest sense of economic, political and legal.   The women were also credited for the great role they played in redemocratization and economic reconstruction. We will write a custom essay sample on Latin american woman from 1825 or any similar topic only for you Order Now IMPACT OF SPANISH CONQUEST ON INCA AND AZTEC WOMEN Many Spaniards moved into America because of the reports of gold.   Many people were pressed into ritual slavery in search of gold. Consequently the local overlords grew rich and the natives remained poor.   The continued success of the local overlords led to Spanish conquest in America. Aztec rulers were ruling around 25 million people who were living in large cities administered by elaborate array of military leaders: priests and government officials. There were also village elders who were united through marriage arrangement between their families and other families. â€Å"Chief speaker† was a body of elected representative elders, and it developed into strong emperor figure and was having great powers.   The Aztec system was theoretically meant the empire enjoyed closer ties of divinity and the priest was to select sacrifices required to keep sun shinning and to see rains falling. The priest was also required to maintain order in the society and during the time the sacrifices were being made. (Tompkins, 2001) The Incas were however weakened in regime from factional fighting and diseases even before the sparkles armored.   Emperor Pizzarro’s forces were captured the empire leading to the destruction of the Incas and then the way was open to Spanish enconmediams to take over the Inca and Aztec empires which were found in the gulf of Mexico. The Spaniards persecuted the people in the two empires and their cities were destroyed and were to be replaced by Spaniard cities.   These people faced horrible time in the Spaniards hands because they were massacred purposely or accidentally by transmitting to them European diseases. The Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan was conquered destroyed and the Spaniards build their own capital: Mexico City (just on the site of destroyed Aztec capital). The Aztec and Inca empires were located in the present Gulf of Mexico and by the time they were conquered they were barely a century old.   Both empires were extending over large areas and were having millions of people.   The conquest of Aztecs by Spaniards was due to the epidemics that had affected them while the Incas were conquered through the impact of deliberate infection of European diseases though they were also weakened by internal conflicts. (D’Altroy, 2002) Aztec community is an ethnic group found in central Mexico particularly those who speak Nahuati language.   They achieved a political and military dominance in the parts of Mesoamerica.   While the Inca Empire was on the other hand the largest empire in the pre- Columbia America. (Michael, 1984) Before the invasion and occupation of Mexican Gulf by the Spaniards the Aztec and Inca women were considered to be lesser members of the society.   The Inca women were given the specific task of making the local brew while the Aztec women were empowered in textiles making.   However with colonialism the roles of women changed women were seen to be in the fore fronts to fight against the inhumaniterian activities that were being done by the Spaniards. During colonization the women were having very great levels of uncertainties because this was the time when sexual harassment on women was on the range of rising. They were also used as maids in the houses of the ruling elites.   These mistreatments generated the uprising of women to fight for colonial liberation which they needed more than the men. Colonialism also saw the abolition of indigenous ways of life for example the use of the indigenous trees and plants to cure some diseases and some agricultural seeds which they treasured were abolished. In their role as the primary protectors of the family the Aztec and Inca women saw this as a threat to their royalties they had valued for long time.   They also fought for land rights; globalization and clear cut cultural identity with no job description for males and females in the society. (Michael, 1984) ROLE OF INDIGENOUS TUPI WOMEN The Tupi women were generally described as indigenous women rooted to domestic domains and so they were not able to fulfill institutionalized political and economic roles.   However this was not easy to achieve because in the indigenous Tupi there were distinct gender regimes and gender symbolism were associated with masculinity, this lead to increased war in Tupi society. These women worked hard to see new complementary spaces opening up to them and most of them even fought for colonial liberation from Europe.   They also demonstrated strong desires and complain to survive the criticism and brutality; they also ensured that they adjusted to resist the myriad colonial changes.   Despite the numerous attempts by the colonial governments the Tupi women were able to negotiate for social and political rights for the society. (Miller, 1991) Traditionally Tupi women were restricted to aesthetics alone for instance, they were required to decorate the housed, and they also painted their men to look delightful all over their bodies like birds or waves of the sea.   The women also painted their own legs so that someone seeing them from a distance may think they are dressed in the black worsted stockings. Council of male elders ruled the Tupi tribes to mean that women had no leadership positions in this tribe.   The elders met almost daily and were only addressed by the chief on how to rule the society.   The Tupi also believed in the real supernatural power but they were not having formal organized form of religion.   They believed in spirits and deonoms making their tribes life to be a form of myth, legend spiritual and ceremonial web. The women were entitled to domestic chores and they also participated in agricultural activities with no voice in administration. They were greatly discriminated upon by the men and were not allowed to make any vital decisions but to listen to and follow orders from their men. (Monteiro, 2000) However after colonialism the roles these women changed greatly with leadership style taking different dimensions. The women participated actively in the fight for colonial liberation giving their cultural and indigenous practices new meaning and approach. The women formed different movements to fight for equal representation in the ruling class as well as liberalized roles for both genders. They wanted an end to the work specification according to gender that had been there in olden days and was also magnified by the Spaniards during colonialism. This is because during the fight for colonial liberation the Tupi women realized their potentials to rule and do other duties better than the men. Their roles eventually changed but they maintained one provision of domestic needs and services mostly decoration of their bodies and houses using traditional approaches. Bibliography D’Altroy, T. (2002), the Incas: peoples of America. Blackwell publishers. Michael, D. (1984). Mexico: From the Olmecs to the Aztecs (ancient people and places) Miller, F. (1991), American women and the search for social justice. Hanover university press. Monteiro, J. (2000), the heathen castes of sixteenth century. Duke university press. Tompkins C, Foster D W, (2001), Notable Twentieth Century Latin American women, Amazon, Green wood press.    How to cite Latin american woman from 1825, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Personal Statement Pounding the Pounds Essay Example For Students

Personal Statement Pounding the Pounds Essay â€Å"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure. † – Bill Cosby You have to want to achieve your goals much more than you fear failure. That requires being courageous and going after what you want. It’s the only way to succeed. Throughout my life I have seen others surpass me in things because I was afraid to seek out what I wanted. When I was in elementary school I wasnt the most interesting person to talk to because I was self conscious about my weight. It was a struggle to be able to have the confidence and motivation to talk to people. I suffered from low self esteem and I never saw the brighter side in things. My insecurities were slowly destroying me as a person and I hated this lifestyle. I felt like I was a failure and I hated feeling that way about myself. I was frustrated and I felt helpless. I was battling with my darker side and I was losing. I couldnt overcome this obstacle and tried to change myself for the greater good. I reached a breaking point, when I graduated from elementary school I knew the way I was acting, it wasnt healthy and it wasnt me . I had to recreate myself over the summer. Throughout the summer, I started being more active in order to change my physical appearance and I spoke to my cousin about what was going on with me. It felt good opening up to someone especially to him because he was like my older brother and he would always look after me. He told me to put my anger into something productive, releasing my stress and frustration into something that would do me good. And so I did. Soon after I started my first year of middle school, I signed up for my school’s football team. Try outs were intense but I didnt let that stop me, my motivation to make this team was to an all time high and I felt invincible. A couple of days after tryouts I got the call back that I made the team. As a result, I became passionate about football which made me into a stronger person. I won two championship titles with my team and I received Most Valuable Player at the championship game when we won our second title. My family and friends have never been so proud of me, I wasn’t alone anymore and I had my parents pushing me to became the man I was supposed to become. After a few years through middle school I lost a couple of pounds because of football, and this gave me a confidence boost. I finally felt at peace with myself and I couldn’t have been any happier. As I grew and matured, I lost the pounds and negative thoughts, the burden that was brought upon me when I was young. Throughout high school Ive met many people along the way that have helped me become stronger and grow into the man I am today. My friends were a great impact in my life, they made me realize and appreciate how life can be and how you can’t ever give up on the things you want. They would always say â€Å"When there’s a will, theres a way†. This helped me break through the barrier that held me back from succeeding and achieving what I want. This epiphany I had when I was young was a life changing experience that has really prepared me for college. Life is full of new adventures and being a freshman is no different. Although it may seem a little difficult at first, the key to success is determination and motivation. To always think positive. As a result of this event, I have now the internal fire which allows me to ascend to something I have yet to achieve.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Varian Solution free essay sample

Chapter 1 NAME The Market Introduction. The problems in this chapter examine some variations on the apartment market described in the text. In most of the problems we work with the true demand curve constructed from the reservation prices of the consumers rather than the â€Å"smoothed† demand curve that we used in the text. Remember that the reservation price of a consumer is that price where he is just indi? erent between renting or not renting the apartment. At any price below the reservation price the consumer will demand one apartment, at any price above the reservation price the consumer will demand zero apartments, and exactly at the reservation price the consumer will be indi? erent between having zero or one apartment. You should also observe that when demand curves have the â€Å"staircase† shape used here, there will typically be a range of prices where supply equals demand. Thus we will ask for the the highest and lowest price in the range. We will write a custom essay sample on Varian Solution or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 1. 1 (3) Suppose that we have 8 people who want to rent an apartment. Their reservation prices are given below. To keep the numbers small, think of these numbers as being daily rent payments. ) Person Price = A = 40 B 25 C D 30 35 E 10 F 18 G 15 H 5 (a) Plot the market demand curve in the following graph. (Hint: When the market price is equal to some consumer i’s reservation price, there will be two di? erent quantities of apartments demanded, since consumer i will be indi? erent between having or not having an apartment. ) 2 THE MARKET (Ch. 1) Price 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Apartments (b) Suppose the supply of apartments is ? xed at 5 units. In this case there is a whole range of prices that will be equilibrium prices. What is the highest price that would make the demand for apartments equal to 5 units? $18. $15. A, B, C, D. $10 to $15. (c) What is the lowest price that would make the market demand equal to 5 units? (d) With a supply of 4 apartments, which of the people A–H end up getting apartments? (e) What if the supply of apartments increases to 6 units. What is the range of equilibrium prices? 1. 2 (3) Suppose that there are originally 5 units in the market and that 1 of them is turned into a condominium. (a) Suppose that person A decides to buy the condominium. What will be the highest price at which the demand for apartments will equal the supply of apartments? What will be the lowest price? Enter your answers in column A, in the table. Then calculate the equilibrium prices of apartments if B, C, . . . , decide to buy the condominium. NAME 3 Person High price Low price A B C D E F G H 18 15 18 15 18 15 18 15 25 18 25 15 25 18 25 18 (b) Suppose that there were two people at each reservation price and 10 apartments. What is the highest price at which demand equals supply? 18. Suppose that one of the apartments was turned into a condo- minium. Is that price still an equilibrium price? Yes. 1. 3 (2) Suppose now that a monopolist owns all the apartments and that he is trying to determine which price and quantity maximize his revenues. (a) Fill in the box with the maximum price and revenue that the monopolist can make if he rents 1, 2, . . . , 8 apartments. (Assume that he must charge one price for all apartments. ) Number Price Revenue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 40 40 35 70 30 90 25 100 18 90 15 90 10 70 5 40 (b) Which of the people A–F would get apartments? A, B, C, D. $18. (c) If the monopolist were required by law to rent exactly 5 apartments, what price would he charge to maximize his revenue? d) Who would get apartments? A, B, C, D, F. (e) If this landlord could charge each individual a di? erent price, and he knew the reservation prices of all the individuals, what is the maximum revenue he could make if he rented all 5 apartments? $148. (f ) If 5 apartments were rented, which individuals would get the apartments? A, B, C, D, F. 1. 4 (2) Suppose that there are 5 a partments to be rented and that the city rent-control board sets a maximum rent of $9. Further suppose that people A, B, C, D, and E manage to get an apartment, while F, G, and H are frozen out. 4 THE MARKET Ch. 1) (a) If subletting is legal—or, at least, practiced—who will sublet to whom in equilibrium? (Assume that people who sublet can evade the city rentcontrol restrictions. ) E, who is willing to pay only F, $10 for an apartment would sublet to who is willing to pay $18. (b) What will be the maximum amount that can be charged for the sublet payment? $18. A, (c) If you have rent control with unlimited subletting allowed, which of the consumers described above will end up in the 5 apartments? B, C, D, F. (d) How does this compare to the market outcome? It’s the same. 1. (2) In the text we argued that a tax on landlords would not get passed along to the renters. What would happen if instead the tax was imposed on renters? (a) To answer this question, consider the group of people in Problem 1. 1. What is the maximum that they would be willing to pay to the landlord if they each had to pay a $5 tax on apartments to the city? Fill in the box below with these reservation prices. Person Reservation Price A B C D E F G H 35 20 25 30 5 13 10 0 (b) Using this information determine the maximum equilibrium price if there are 5 apartments to be rented. $13. c) Of course, the total price a renter pays consists of his or her rent plus the tax. This amount is $18. (d) How does this compare to what happens if the tax is levied on the landlords? It’s the same. Chapter 2 NAME Budget Constraint Introduction. These workouts are designed to build your skills in describing economic situations with graphs and algebra. Budget sets are a good place to start, because both the algebra and the graphing are very easy. Where there are just two goods, a consumer who consumes x1 units of good 1 and x2 units of good 2 is said to consume the consumption bundle, ( x1 , x2 ). Any onsumption bundle can be represented by a point on a two-dimensional graph with quantities of good 1 on the horizontal axis and quantities of good 2 on the vertical axis. If the prices are p1 for good 1 and p2 for good 2, and if the consumer has income m, then she can a? ord any consumption bundle, (x1 , x2 ), such that p1 x1 +p2 x2 ? m. On a graph, the budget line is just the line segment with equation p1 x1 + p2 x2 = m and with x1 and x2 both nonnegative. The budget line is the boundary of the budget set. All of the points that the consumer can a? ord lie on one side of the line and all of the points that the consumer cannot a? rd lie on the other. If you know prices and income, you can construct a consumer’s budget line by ? nding two commodity bundles that she can â€Å"just a? ord† and drawing the straight line that runs through both points. Example: Myrtle has 50 dollars to spend. She consumes only apples and bananas. Apples cost 2 dollars each and bananas cost 1 dollar each. You are to graph her budget line, where apples are measured on the horizontal axis and bananas on the vertical axis. Notice that if she spends all of her income on apples, she can a? ord 25 apples and no bananas. Therefore her budget line goes through the point (25, 0) on the horizontal axis. If she spends all of her income on bananas, she can a? ord 50 bananas and no apples. Therfore her budget line also passes throught the point (0, 50) on the vertical axis. Mark these two points on your graph. Then draw a straight line between them. This is Myrtle’s budget line. What if you are not told prices or income, but you know two commodity bundles that the consumer can just a? ord? Then, if there are just two commodities, you know that a unique line can be drawn through two points, so you have enough information to draw the budget line. Example: Laurel consumes only ale and bread. If she spends all of her income, she can just a? ord 20 bottles of ale and 5 loaves of bread. Another commodity bundle that she can a? ord if she spends her entire income is 10 bottles of ale and 10 loaves of bread. If the price of ale is 1 dollar per bottle, how much money does she have to spend? You could solve this problem graphically. Measure ale on the horizontal axis and bread on the vertical axis. Plot the two points, (20, 5) and (10, 10), that you know to be on the budget line. Draw the straight line between these points and extend the line to the horizontal axis. This point denotes the amount of 6 BUDGET CONSTRAINT (Ch. 2) ale Laurel can a? ord if she spends all of her money on ale. Since ale costs 1 dollar a bottle, her income in dollars is equal to the largest number of bottles she can a? ord. Alternatively, you can reason as follows. Since the bundles (20, 5) and (10, 10) cost the same, it must be that giving up 10 bottles of ale makes her able to a? ord an extra 5 loaves of bread. So bread costs twice as much as ale. The price of ale is 1 dollar, so the price of bread is 2 dollars. The bundle (20, 5) costs as much as her income. Therefore her income must be 20 ? 1 + 5 ? 2 = 30. When you have completed this workout, we hope that you will be able to do the following: †¢ Write an equation for the budget line and draw the budget set on a graph when you are given prices and income or when you are given two points on the budget line. †¢ Graph the e? ects of changes in prices and income on budget sets. †¢ Understand the concept of numeraire and know what happens to the budget set when income and all prices are multiplied by the same positive amount. †¢ Know what the budget set looks like if one or more of the prices is negative. See that the idea of a â€Å"budget set† can be applied to constrained choices where there are other constraints on what you can have, in addition to a constraint on money expenditure. NAME 7 2. 1 (0) You have an income of $40 to spend on two commodities. Commodity 1 costs $10 per unit, and commodity 2 costs $5 per unit. (a) Write down your budget equation. 101 + 52 = 40. (b) If you spent all your income on commodity 1, how much could you buy? 4. 8. Use blue ink to draw your budget line in the graph (c) If you spent all of your income on commodity 2, how much could you buy? elow. x2 8 6 4 2 ,,,,,, ,,,,,, Line Blue ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, Red Line ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,Black Shading ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Black Line ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Blue ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Shading ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 4 6 8 x1 0 (d) Suppose that the price of commodity 1 falls to $5 while everything else stays the same. Write down your new budget equation. 51 +52 = 40. On the graph above, use red ink to draw your new budget line. e) Suppose that the amount you are allowed to spend falls to $30, while the prices of both commodities remain at $5. Write down your budget equation. line. 51 + 52 = 30. Use black ink to draw this budget (f) On your diagram, u se blue ink to shade in the area representing commodity bundles that you can a? ord with the budget in Part (e) but could not a? ord to buy with the budget in Part (a). Use black ink or pencil to shade in the area representing commodity bundles that you could a? ord with the budget in Part (a) but cannot a? ord with the budget in Part (e). 2. 2 (0) On the graph below, draw a budget line for each case. BUDGET CONSTRAINT (Ch. 2) (a) p1 = 1, p2 = 1, m = 15. (Use blue ink. ) (b) p1 = 1, p2 = 2, m = 20. (Use red ink. ) (c) p1 = 0, p2 = 1, m = 10. (Use black ink. ) (d) p1 = p2 , m = 15p1 . (Use pencil or black ink. Hint: How much of good 1 could you a? ord if you spend your entire budget on good 1? ) x2 20 15 Blue Line Black Line 10 Red Line 5 0 5 10 15 20 x1 2. 3 (0) Your budget is such that if you spend your entire income, you can a? ord either 4 units of good x and 6 units of good y or 12 units of x and 2 units of y. (a) Mark these two consumption bundles and draw the budget line in th e graph below. 16 12 8 4 0 4 8 12 16 x NAME 9 (b) What is the ratio of the price of x to the price of y? 1/2. (c) If you spent all of your income on x, how much x could you buy? 16. (d) If you spent all of your income on y, how much y could you buy? 8. (e) Write a budget equation that gives you this budget line, where the price of x is 1. x + 2y = 16. 3x + 6y = 48. (f ) Write another budget equation that gives you the same budget line, but where the price of x is 3. 2. 4 (1) Murphy was consuming 100 units of X and 50 units of Y . The price of X rose from 2 to 3. The price of Y remained at 4. a) How much would Murphy’s income have to rise so that he can still exactly a? ord 100 units of X and 50 units of Y ? $100. 2. 5 (1) If Amy spent her entire allowance, she could a? ord 8 candy bars and 8 comic books a week. She could also just a? ord 10 candy bars and 4 comic books a week. The price of a candy bar is 50 cents. Draw her budget line in the box below. What is Amy’s we ekly allowance? $6. Comic books 32 24 16 8 0 8 12 16 24 32 Candy bars 10 BUDGET CONSTRAINT (Ch. 2) 2. 6 (0) In a small country near the Baltic Sea, there are only three commodities: potatoes, meatballs, and jam. Prices have been remarkably stable for the last 50 years or so. Potatoes cost 2 crowns per sack, meatballs cost 4 crowns per crock, and jam costs 6 crowns per jar. (a) Write down a budget equation for a citizen named Gunnar who has an income of 360 crowns per year. Let P stand for the number of sacks of potatoes, M for the number of crocks of meatballs, and J for the number of jars of jam consumed by Gunnar in a year. 2P + 4M + 6J = 360. (b) The citizens of this country are in general very clever people, but they are not good at multiplying by 2. This made shopping for potatoes excruciatingly di? ult for many citizens. Therefore it was decided to introduce a new unit of currency, such that potatoes would be the numeraire. A sack of potatoes costs one unit of the new currency while the same relative prices apply as in the past. In terms of the new currency, what is the price of meatballs? 2 crowns. 3 (c) In terms of the new currency, what is the price of jam? crowns. (d) What would Gu nnar’s income in the new currency have to be for him to be exactly able to a? ord the same commodity bundles that he could a? ord before the change? 180 crowns. P + 2M + 3J = (e) Write down Gunnar’s new budget equation. 80. No. Is Gunnar’s budget set any di? erent than it was before the change? 2. 7 (0) Edmund Stench consumes two commodities, namely garbage and punk rock video cassettes. He doesn’t actually eat the former but keeps it in his backyard where it is eaten by billy goats and assorted vermin. The reason that he accepts the garbage is that people pay him $2 per sack for taking it. Edmund can accept as much garbage as he wishes at that price. He has no other source of income. Video cassettes cost him $6 each. (a) If Edmund accepts zero sacks of garbage, how many video cassettes can he buy? 0. NAME 11 b) If he accepts 15 sacks of garbage, how many video cassettes can he buy? 5. 6C ? 2G = 0. (c) Write down an equation for his budget line. (d) Draw Edmund’s budget line and shade in his budget set. Garbage 20 15 10 5 ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,Budget Line ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, Set Budget ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 5 10 15 20 Video cassettes 0 2. 8 (0) If you think Edmund is odd, consider his brother Emmett. Emmett consumes speeches by politicians and university administrators. He is paid $1 per hour for listening to politicians and $2 per hour for listening to university administrators. (Emmett is in great demand to help ? ll empty chairs at public lectures because of his distinguished appearance and his ability to refrain from making rude noises. ) Emmett consumes one good for which he must pay. We have agreed not to disclose what that good is, but we can tell you that it costs $15 per unit and we shall call it Good X. In addition to what he is paid for consuming speeches, Emmett receives a pension of $50 per week. Administrator speeches 100 75 50 25 0 25 50 5 100 Politician speeches 12 BUDGET CONSTRAINT (Ch. 2) (a) Write down a budget equation stating those combinations of the three commodities, Good X, hours of speeches by politicians (P ), and hours of speeches by university administrators (A) that Emmett could a? ord to consume per week. 15X ? 1P ? 2A = 50. (b) On the graph above, draw a two-dimensional diagram showing the locus of consumptions of the two kinds of speeches that would be possible for Emmett if he consumed 10 units of Good X per week. 2. 9 (0) Jonathan Livingstone Yuppie is a prosperous lawyer. He has, in his own words, â€Å"outgrown those con? ing two-commodity limits. † Jonathan consumes three goods, unblended Scotch whiskey, designer tennis shoes, and meals in French gourmet restaurants. The price of Jonathan’s brand of whiskey is $20 per bottle, the price of designer tennis shoes is $80 per pair, and the price of gourmet restaurant meals is $50 per meal. After he has paid his taxes and alimony, Jonathan has $400 a week to spend. (a) Write down a budget equation for Jonathan, where W stands for the number of bottles of whiskey, T stands for the number of pairs of tennis shoes, and M for the number of gourmet restaurant meals that he consumes. 0W + 80T + 50M = 400. (b) Draw a three-dimensional diagram to show his budget set. Label the intersections of the budget set with each axis. M 8 5 20 T W (c ) Suppose that he determines that he will buy one pair of designer tennis shoes per week. What equation must be satis? ed by the combinations of restaurant meals and whiskey that he could a? ord? 20W +50M = 320. 2. 10 (0) Martha is preparing for exams in economics and sociology. She has time to read 40 pages of economics and 30 pages of sociology. In the same amount of time she could also read 30 pages of economics and 60 pages of sociology. NAME 13 (a) Assuming that the number of pages per hour that she can read of either subject does not depend on how she allocates her time, how many pages of sociology could she read if she decided to spend all of her time on sociology and none on economics? 150 pages. (Hint: You have two points on her budget line, so you should be able to determine the entire line. ) (b) How many pages of economics could she read if she decided to spend all of her time reading economics? 50 pages. 2. 11 (1) Harry Hype has $5,000 to spend on advertising a new kind of dehydrated sushi. Market research shows that the people most likely to buy this new product are recent recipients of M. B. A. degrees and lawyers who own hot tubs. Harry is considering advertising in two publications, a boring business magazine and a trendy consumer publication for people who wish they lived in California. Fact 1: Ads in the boring business magazine cost $500 each and ads in the consumer magazine cost $250 each. Fact 2: Each ad in the business magazine will be read by 1,000 recent M. B. A. ’s and 300 lawyers with hot tubs. Fact 3: Each ad in the consumer publication will be read by 300 recent M. B. A. ’s and 250 lawyers who own hot tubs. Fact 4: Nobody reads more than one ad, and nobody who reads one magazine reads the other. (a) If Harry spends his entire advertising budget on the business publication, his ad will be read by 10,000 recent M. B. A. ’s and by 3,000 lawyers with hot tubs. (b) If he spends his entire advertising budget on the consumer publication, his ad will be read by lawyers with hot tubs. 6,000 recent M. B. A. ’s and by 5,000 (c) Suppose he spent half of his advertising budget on each publication. His ad would be read by lawyers with hot tubs. 8,000 recent M. B. A. ’s and by 4,000 (d) Draw a â€Å"budget line† showing the combinations of number of readings by recent M. B. A. ’s and by lawyers with hot tubs that he can obtain if he spends his entire advertising budget. Does this line extend all the way to the axes? No. Sketch, shade in, and label the budget set, which includes all the combinations of MBA’s and lawyers he can reach if he spends no more than his budget. 14 BUDGET CONSTRAINT (Ch. 2) (e) Let M stand for the number of instances of an ad being read by an M. B. A. and L stand for the number of instances of an ad being read by a lawyer. This budget line is a line segment that lies on the line with equation M + 2L = 16. With a ? xed advertising budget, how many readings by M. B. A. ’s must he sacri? ce to get an additional reading by a lawyer with a hot tub? MBAs x 1000 16 2. 12 10 8 6 4 a ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, c ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, b ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, Budget ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, Set ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, 3 5 2 4 8 Budget line 0 12 16 Lawyers x 1000 2. 12 (0) On the planet Mungo, they have two kinds of money, blue money and red money. Every commodity has two prices—a red-money price and a blue-money price. Every Mungoan has two incomes—a red income and a blue income. In order to buy an object, a Mungoan has to pay that object’s redmoney price in red money and its blue-money price in blue money. (The shops simply have two cash registers, and you have to pay at both registers to buy an object. ) It is forbidden to trade one kind of money for the other, and this prohibition is strictly enforced by Mungo’s ruthless and e? cient monetary police. †¢ There are just two consumer goods on Mungo, ambrosia and bubble gum. All Mungoans prefer more of each good to less. †¢ The blue prices are 1 bcu (bcu stands for blue currency unit) per unit of ambrosia and 1 bcu per unit of bubble gum. †¢ The red prices are 2 rcus (red currency units) per unit of ambrosia and 6 rcus per unit of bubble gum. (a) On the graph below, draw the red budget (with red ink) and the blue budget (with blue ink) for a Mungoan named Harold whose blue income is 10 and whose red income is 30. Shade in the â€Å"budget set† containing all of the commodity bundles that Harold can a? ord, given NAME 15 its? wo budget constraints. Remember, Harold has to have enough blue money and enough red money to pay both the blue-money cost and the red-money cost of a bundle of goods. Gum 20 15 10 Blue Lines 5 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 10 Red Line 15 20 Ambrosia 0 (b) Another Mungoan, Gladys, faces the same prices that Harold faces and has the same red income as Harold, but Gladys has a blue income of 20. Explain how it is that Gladys will not spend its entire blue income no matter what its tastes may be. Hint: Draw Gladys’s budget lines. ) The blue budget line lies strictly outside the red budget line, so to satisfy both budgets, one must be strictly inside the red budget line. (c) A group of radical economic reformers on Mungo believe that the currency rules are unfair. â€Å"Why should everyone have to pay two prices for everything? † they ask. They propose the following scheme. Mungo will continue to have two currencies, every good will have a blue price and a red price, and every Mungoan will have a blue income and a red income. But nobody has to pay both prices. Instead, everyone on Mungo must declare itself to be either a Blue-Money Purchaser (a â€Å"Blue†) or a RedMoney Purchaser (a â€Å"Red†) before it buys anything at all. Blues must make all of their purchases in blue money at the blue prices, spending only their blue incomes. Reds must make all of their purchases in red money, spending only their red incomes. Suppose that Harold has the same income after this reform, and that prices do not change. Before declaring which kind of purchaser it will be, We refer to all Mungoans by the gender-neutral pronoun, â€Å"it. Although Mungo has two sexes, neither of them is remotely like either of ours. ? 16 BUDGET CONSTRAINT (Ch. 2) Harold contemplates the set of commodity bundles that it could a? ord by making one declaration or the other. Let us call a commodity bundle â€Å"attainable† if Harold can a? ord it by declaring itself to be a â€Å"Blue† and buying the bundle with blue money or if Harold can a? ord the bundle by declaring itself to be a â€Å"Red† and buying it with red money. On the diagram below, shade in all of the attainable bundles. Gum 20 15 10 5 ,,,,,,,,,,,, Blue Line ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, Line Red ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 5 10 15 20 Ambrosia 0 2. 13 (0) Are Mungoan budgets really so fanciful? Can you think of situations on earth where people must simultaneously satisfy more than one budget constraint? Is money the only scarce resource that people use up when consuming? Consumption of many commodities takes time as well as money. People have to simultaneously satisfy a time budget and a money budget. Other examplespeople may have a calorie budget or a cholesterol budget or an alcohol-intake budget. Chapter 3 NAME Preferences Introduction. In the previous section you learned how to use graphs to show the set of commodity bundles that a consumer can a? ord. In this section, you learn to put information about the consumer’s preferences on the same kind of graph. Most of the problems ask you to draw indi? erence curves. Sometimes we give you a formula for the indi? erence curve. Then all you have to do is graph a known equation. But in some problems, we give you only â€Å"qualitative† information about the consumer’s preferences and ask you to sketch indi? erence curves that are consistent with this information. This requires a little more thought. Don’t be surprised or disappointed if you cannot immediately see the answer when you look at a problem, and don’t expect that you will ? nd the answers hiding somewhere in your textbook. The best way we know to ? nd answers is to â€Å"think and doodle. † Draw some axes on scratch paper and label them, then mark a point on your graph and ask yourself, â€Å"What other points on the graph would the consumer ? d indi? erent to this point? † If possible, draw a curve connecting such points, making sure that the shape of the line you draw re? ects the features required by the problem. This gives you one indi? erence curve. Now pick another point that is preferred to the ? rst one you drew and draw an indi? erence curve throug h it. Example: Jocasta loves to dance and hates housecleaning. She has strictly convex preferences. She prefers dancing to any other activity and never gets tired of dancing, but the more time she spends cleaning house, the less happy she is. Let us try to draw an indi? erence curve that is consistent with her preferences. There is not enough information here to tell us exactly where her indi? erence curves go, but there is enough information to determine some things about their shape. Take a piece of scratch paper and draw a pair of axes. Label the horizontal axis â€Å"Hours per day of housecleaning. † Label the vertical axis â€Å"Hours per day of dancing. † Mark a point a little ways up the vertical axis and write a 4 next to it. At this point, she spends 4 hours a day dancing and no time housecleaning. Other points that would be indi? erent to this point would have to be points where she did more dancing and more housecleaning. The pain of the extra housekeeping should just compensate for the pleasure of the extra dancing. So an indi? erence curve for Jocasta must be upward sloping. Because she loves dancing and hates housecleaning, it must be that she prefers all the points above this indi? erence curve to all of the points on or below it. If Jocasta has strictly convex preferences, then it must be that if you draw a line between any two points on the same indi? rence curve, all the points on the line (except the endpoints) are preferred to the endpoints. For this to be the case, it must be that the indi? erence curve slopes upward ever more steeply as you move to the right along it. You should convince yourself of this by making some drawings on scratch 18 PREFERENCES (Ch. 3) paper. Draw an upward-sloping curve passing through the point (0, 4) and getting steeper as one moves to the right. When you have completed this workout, we hope that you will be able to do the following: †¢ Given the formula for an indi? erence curve, draw this curve, and ? d its slope at any point on the curve. †¢ Determine whether a consumer prefers one bundle to another or is indi? erent between them, given speci? c indi? erence curves. †¢ Draw indi? erence curves for the special cases of perfect substitutes and perfect complements. †¢ Draw indi? erence curves for someone who dislikes one or both commodities. †¢ Draw indi? erence curves for someone who likes goods up to a point but who can get â€Å"too much† of one or more goods. †¢ Identify weakly preferred sets and determine whether these are convex sets and whether preferences are convex. Know what the marginal rate of substitution is and be able to determine whether an indi? erence curve exhibits â€Å"diminishing marginal rate of substitution. † †¢ Determine whether a preferenc e relation or any other relation between pairs of things is transitive, whether it is re? exive, and whether it is complete. 3. 1 (0) Charlie likes both apples and bananas. He consumes nothing else. The consumption bundle where Charlie consumes xA bushels of apples per year and xB bushels of bananas per year is written as (xA , xB ). Last year, Charlie consumed 20 bushels of apples and 5 bushels of bananas. It happens that the set of consumption bundles (xA , xB ) such that Charlie is indi? erent between (xA , xB ) and (20, 5) is the set of all bundles such that xB = 100/xA . The set of bundles (xA , xB ) such that Charlie is just indi? erent between (xA , xB ) and the bundle (10, 15) is the set of bundles such that xB = 150/xA . (a) On the graph below, plot several points that lie on the indi? erence curve that passes through the point (20, 5), and sketch this curve, using blue ink. Do the same, using red ink, for the indi? erence curve passing through the point (10, 15). b) Use pencil to shade in the set of commodity bundles that Charlie weakly prefers to the bundle (10, 15). Use blue ink to shade in the set of commodity bundles such that Charlie weakly prefers (20, 5) to these bundles. NAME 19 Bananas 40 30 20 10 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Red Curve ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Pencil Shading ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Blue Curve ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Blue Shading ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 20 30 40 Apples 0 For each of the following statements about Charlie’s preferences, write â€Å"true† or â€Å"false. † (c) (30, 5) ? (10, 15). (d) (10, 15) (e) (20, 5) (f ) (24, 4) (g) (11, 14) (20, 5). (10, 10). (11, 9. 1). (2, 49). True. True. True. False. True. (h) A set is convex if for any two points in the set, the line segment between them is also in the set. Is the set of bundles that Charlie weakly prefers to (20, 5) a convex set? Yes. (i) Is the set of bundles that Charlie considers inferior to (20, 5) a convex set? No. rate of (j) The slope of Charlie’s indi? erence curve through a point, (xA , xB ), is known as his marginal substitution at that point. 20 PREFERENCES (Ch. 3) (k) Remember that Charlie’s indi? rence curve through the point (10, 10) has the equation xB = 100/xA . Those of you who know calculus will remember that the slope of a curve is just its derivative, which in this case is ? 100/x2 . (If you don’t know calculus, you will have to take our A word for this. ) Find Charlie’s marginal rate of substitution at the point, (10, 10). ?1. ?4. (l) What is his marginal rate of substitution at the point (5, 20)? (m) What is his marginal rate of substitution at the point (20, 5)? (?. 25). (n) Do the indi? erence curves you have drawn for Charlie exhibit diminishing marginal rate of substitution? Yes. 3. 2 (0) Ambrose consumes only nuts and berries. Fortunately, he likes both goods. The consumption bundle where Ambrose consumes x1 units of nuts per week and x2 units of berries per week is written as (x1 , x2 ). The set of consumption bundles (x1 , x2 ) such that Ambrose is indi? erent between (x1 , x2 ) and (1, 16) is the set of bundles such that x1 ? 0, x2 ? 0, v and x2 = 20 ? 4 x1 . The set of bundles (x1 , x2 ) such that (x1 , x2 ) ? v (36, 0) is the set of bundles such that x1 ? 0, x2 ? 0 and x2 = 24 ? 4 x1 . (a) On the graph below, plot several points that lie on the indi? erence curve that passes through the point (1, 16), and sketch this curve, using blue ink. Do the same, using red ink, for the indi? erence curve passing through the point (36, 0). b) Use pencil to shade in the set of commodity bundles that Ambrose weakly prefers to the bundle (1, 16). Use red ink to shade in the set of all commodity bundles (x1 , x2 ) such that Ambrose weakly prefers (36, 0) to these bundles. Is the set of bundles that Ambrose prefers to (1, 16) a convex set? Yes. (c) Wh at is the slope of Ambrose’s indi? erence curve at the point (9, 8)? (Hint: Recall from calculus the way to calculate the slope of a curve. If you don’t know calculus, you will have to draw your diagram carefully and estimate the slope. ) ?2/3. NAME 21 (d) What is the slope of his indi? erence curve at the point (4, 12)? ?1. Berries 40 30 20 10 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Pencil Shading ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Red Curve ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Red ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Blue Curve ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Shading ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 20 30 40 Nuts , 0 (e) What is the slope of his indi? erence curve at the point (9, 12)? at the point (4, 16)? ?2/3 ?1. (f ) Do the indi? erence curves you have drawn for Ambrose exhibit diminishing marginal rate of substitution? Yes. (g) Does Ambrose have convex preferences? Yes. 3. 3 (0) Shirley Sixpack is in the habit of drinking beer each evening while watching â€Å"The Best of Bowlerama† on TV. She has a strong thumb and a big refrigerator, so she doesn’t care about the size of the cans that beer comes in, she only cares about how much beer she has. (a) On the graph below, draw some of Shirley’s indi? erence curves between 16-ounce cans and 8-ounce cans of beer. Use blue ink to draw these indi? erence curves. 22 PREFERENCES (Ch. 3) 8-ounce 8 6 Blue Lines 4 Red Lines 2 0 2 4 6 8 16-ounce (b) Lorraine Quiche likes to have a beer while she watches â€Å"Masterpiece Theatre. † She only allows herself an 8-ounce glass of beer at any one time. Since her cat doesn’t like beer and she hates stale beer, if there is more than 8 ounces in the can she pours the excess into the sink. (She has no moral scruples about wasting beer. On the graph above, use red ink to draw some of Lorraine’s indi? erence curves. 3. 4 (0) Elmo ? nds himself at a Coke machine on a hot and dusty Sunday. The Coke machine requires exact change—two quarters and a dime. No other combination of coins will make anything come out of the machine. No stores are open; no one is in sight. Elmo is so thirsty that the only thing he cares about is how many soft drinks he will be able to buy with the change in his pocket; the more he can buy, the better. While Elmo searches his pockets, your task is to draw some indi? erence curves that describe Elmo’s preferences about what he ? nds. NAME 23 Dimes 8 6 4 2 ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , Blue ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Red , ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , shading ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, shading , ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Black ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , lines ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , 2 4 6 8 Quarters 0 (a) If Elmo has 2 quarters and a dime in his pockets, he can buy 1 soft drink. How many soft drinks can he buy if he has 4 quarters and 2 dimes? 2. (b) Use red ink to shade in the area on the graph consisting of all combinations of quarters and dimes that Elmo thinks are just indi? rent to having 2 quarters and 1 dime. (Imagine that it is possible for Elmo to have fractions of quarters or of dimes, but, of course, they would be useless in the machine. ) Now use blue ink to shade in the area consisting of all combinations that Elmo thinks are just indi? erent to having 4 quarters and 2 dimes. Notice that Elmo has indi? erence â€Å"bands,† not indi? erence curves. (c) Does Elmo have convex preferences between dimes and quarters? Yes. (d) Does Elmo always prefer more of both kinds of money to less? No. (e) Does Elmo have a bliss point? No. (f ) If Elmo had arrived at the Coke machine on a Saturday, the drugstore across the street would have been open. This drugstore has a soda fountain that will sell you as much Coke as you want at a price of 4 cents an ounce. The salesperson will take any combination of dimes and quarters in payment. Suppose that Elmo plans to spend all of the money in his pocket on Coke at the drugstore on Saturday. On the graph above, use pencil or black ink to draw one or two of Elmo’s indi? erence curves between quarters and dimes in his pocket. (For simplicity, draw your graph 24 PREFERENCES (Ch. 3) as if Elmo’s fractional quarters and fractional dimes are accepted at the corresponding fraction of their value. ) Describe these new indi? erence curves in words. Line segments with slope ? 2. 5. 3. (0) Randy Ratpack hates studying both economics and history. The more time he spends studying either subject, the less happy he is. But Randy has strictly convex preferences. (a) Sketch an indi? erence curve for Randy where the two commodities are hours per week spent studying economics and hours per we ek spent studying history. Will the slope of an indi? erence curve be positive or negative? Negative. Steeper. (b) Do Randy’s indi? erence curves get steeper or ? atter as you move from left to right along one of them? Hours studying history 8 6 Preference direction 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 Hours studying economics 3. 6 (0) Flossy Toothsome likes to spend some time studying and some time dating. In fact her indi? rence curves between hours per week spent studying and hours per week spent dating are concentric circles around her favorite combination, which is 20 hours of studying and 15 hours of dating per week. The closer she is to her favorite combination, the happier she is. NAME 25 (a) Suppose that Flossy is currently studying 25 hours a week and dating 3 hours a week. Would she prefer to be studying 30 hours a week and dating 8 hours a week? Yes. (Hint: Remember the formula for the distance between two points in the plane? ) (b) On the axes below, draw a few of Flossy’s indi? erence curves and use your diagram to illustrate which of the two time allocations discussed above Flossy would prefer. Hours dating 40 30 Preference direction 20 (20,15) 10 (30,8) (25,3) 0 10 20 30 40 Hours studying , 3. 7 (0) Joan likes chocolate cake and ice cream, but after 10 slices of cake, she gets tired of cake, and eating more cake makes her less happy. Joan always prefers more ice cream to less. Joan’s parents require her to eat everything put on her plate. In the axes below, use blue ink to draw a set of indi? erence curves that depict her preferences between plates with di? erent amounts of cake and ice cream. Be sure to label the axes. (a) Suppose that Joan’s preferences are as before, but that her parents allow her to leave anything on her plate that she doesn’t want. On the graph below, use red ink to draw some indi? erence curves depicting her preferences between plates with di? erent amounts of cake and ice cream. Ice cream Blue curves Red curves Preference direction 10 Chocolate cake 26 PREFERENCES (Ch. 3) 3. 8 (0) Professor Goodheart always gives two midterms in his communications class. He only uses the higher of the two scores that a student gets on the midterms when he calculates the course grade. (a) Nancy Lerner wants to maximize her grade in this course. Let x1 be her score on the ? rst midterm and x2 be her score on the second midterm. Which combination of scores would Nancy prefer, x1 = 20 and x2 = 70 or x1 = 60 and x2 = 60? (20,70). b) On the graph below, use red ink to draw an indi? erence curve showing all of the combinations of scores that Nancy likes exactly as much as x1 = 20 and x2 = 70. Also use red ink to draw an indi? erence curve showing the combinations that Nancy likes exactly as much as x1 = 60 and x2 = 60. (c) Does Nanc y have convex preferences over these combinations? No. Grade on second midterm 80 60 Red curves Blue curves 40 , 20 Preference direction 0 20 40 60 80 Grade on first midterm (d) Nancy is also taking a course in economics from Professor Stern. Professor Stern gives two midterms. Instead of discarding the lower grade, Professor Stern discards the higher one. Let x1 be her score on the ? st midterm and x2 be her score on the second midterm. Which combination of scores would Nancy prefer, x1 = 20 and x2 = 70 or x1 = 60 and x2 = 50? (60,50). (e) On the graph above, use blue ink to draw an indi? erence curve showing all of the combinations of scores on her econ exams that Nancy likes exactly as well as x1 = 20 and x2 = 70. Also use blue ink to draw an indi? erence curve showing the combinations that Nancy likes exactly as well as x1 = 60 and x2 = 50. Does Nancy have convex preferences over these combinations? Yes. NAME 27 3. 9 (0) Mary Granola loves to consume two goods, grapefruits and a vocados. (a) On the graph below, the slope of an indi? rence curve through any point where she has more grapefruits than avocados is ? 2. This means that when she has more grapefruits than avocados, she is willing to give up 2 grapefruit(s) to get one avocado. (b) On the same graph, the slope of an indi? erence curve at points where she has fewer grapefruits than avocados is ? 1/2. This means that when she has fewer grapefruits than avocados, she is just willing to give up 1/2 grapefruit(s) to get one avocado. (c) On this graph, draw an indi? erence curve for Mary through bundle (10A, 10G). Draw another indi? erence curve through (20A, 20G). Grapefruits 40 30 Slope -2 20 10 Slope -1/2 45 0 10 20 30 40 Avocados (d) Does Mary have convex preferences? Yes. 3. 0 (2) Ralph Rigid likes to eat lunch at 12 noon. However, he also likes to save money so he can buy other consumption goods by attending the â€Å"early bird specials† and â€Å"late lunchers† promoted by his local d iner. Ralph has 15 dollars a day to spend on lunch and other stu?. Lunch at noon costs $5. If he delays his lunch until t hours after noon, he is able to buy his lunch for a price of $5 ? t. Similarly if he eats his lunch t hours before noon, he can buy it for a price of $5 ? t. (This is true for fractions of hours as well as integer numbers of hours. ) (a) If Ralph eats lunch at noon, how much money does he have per day to spend on other stu $10. 8 PREFERENCES (Ch. 3) (b) How much money per day would he have left for other stu? if he ate at 2 P. M.? $12. (c) On the graph below, use blue ink to draw the broken line that shows combinations of meal time and money for other stu? that Ralph can just a? ord. On this same graph, draw some indi? erence curves that would be consistent with Ralph choosing to eat his lunch at 11 A. M. Money 20 15 10 5 0 10 11 12 1 2 Time 3. 11 (0) Henry Hanover is currently consuming 20 cheeseburgers and 20 Cherry Cokes a week. A typical indi? erence curve fo r Henry is depicted below. Cherry Coke 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 Cheeseburgers NAME 29 (a) If someone o? red to trade Henry one extra cheeseburger for every Coke he gave up, would Henry want to do this? No. Yes. (b) What if it were the other way around: for every cheeseburger Henry gave up, he would get an extra Coke. Would he accept this o? er? (c) At what rate of exchange would Henry be willing to stay put at his current consumption level? 2 cheeseburgers for 1 Coke. 3. 12 (1) Tommy Twit is happiest when he has 8 cookies and 4 glasses of milk per day. Whenever he has more than his favorite amount of either food, giving him still more makes him worse o?. Whenever he has less than his favorite amount of either food, giving him more makes him better o?. His mother makes him drink 7 glasses of milk and only allows him 2 cookies per day. One day when his mother was gone, Tommy’s sadistic sister made him eat 13 cookies and only gave him 1 glass of milk, despite the fact that Tommy complained bitterly about the last 5 cookies that she made him eat and begged for more milk. Although Tommy complained later to his mother, he had to admit that he liked the diet that his sister forced on him better than what his mother demanded. (a) Use black ink to draw some indi? erence curves for Tommy that are consistent with this story. Milk 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (13,1) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 (8,4) (2,7) Cookies 30 PREFERENCES (Ch. 3) b) Tommy’s mother believes that the optimal amount for him to consume is 7 glasses of milk and 2 cookies. She measures deviations by absolute values. If Tommy consumes some other bundle, say, (c, m), she measures his departure from the optimal bundle by D = |7 ? m| + |2 ? c|. The larger D is, the worse o? she thinks Tommy is. Use blue ink in the graph above to sketch a few of Mrs. Twit’s indi? erence curves for Tommy’s consumption. (Hint: Before you try to draw Mrs. Twit’s indi? erence curves, we suggest that you take a piece of scrap paper and draw a graph of the locus of points (x1 , x2 ) such that |x1 | + |x2 | = 1. ) 3. 13 (0) Coach Steroid likes his players to be big, fast, and obedient. If player A is better than player B in two of these three characteristics, then Coach Steroid prefers A to B, but if B is better than A in two of these three characteristics, then Steroid prefers B to A. Otherwise, Steroid is indi? erent between them. Wilbur Westinghouse weighs 340 pounds, runs very slowly, and is fairly obedient. Harold Hotpoint weighs 240 pounds, runs very fast, and is very disobedient. Jerry Jacuzzi weighs 150 pounds, runs at average speed, and is extremely obedient. (a) Does Steroid prefer Westinghouse to Hotpoint or vice versa? He prefers Westinghouse to Hotpoint. (b) Does Steroid prefer Hotpoint to Jacuzzi or vice versa? He prefers Hotpoint to Jacuzzi. (c) Does Steroid prefer Westinghouse to Jacuzzi or vice versa? He prefers Jacuzzi to Westinghouse. (d) Does Coach Steroid have transitive preferences? No. e) After several losing seasons, Coach Steroid decides to change his way of judging players. According to his new preferences, Steroid prefers player A to play er B if player A is better in all three of the characteristics that Steroid values, and he prefers B to A if player B is better at all three things. He is indi? erent between A and B if they weigh the same, are equally fast, and are equally obedient. In all other cases, Coach Steroid simply says â€Å"A and B are not comparable. † (f ) Are Coach Steroid’s new preferences complete? (g) Are Coach Steroid’s new preferences transitive? No. Yes. NAME 31 (h) Are Coach Steroid’s new preferences re? exive? Yes. 3. 14 (0) The Bear family is trying to decide what to have for dinner. Baby Bear says that his ranking of the possibilities is (honey, grubs, Goldilocks). Mama Bear ranks the choices (grubs, Goldilocks, honey), while Papa Bear’s ranking is (Goldilocks, honey, grubs). They decide to take each pair of alternatives and let a majority vote determine the family rankings. (a) Papa suggests that they ? rst consider honey vs. grubs, and then the winner of that contest vs. Goldilocks. Which alternative will be chosen? Goldilocks. (b) Mama suggests instead that they consider honey vs. Goldilocks and then the winner vs. grubs. Which gets chosen? Grubs. (c) What order should Baby Bear suggest if he wants to get his favorite food for dinner? Grubs versus Goldilocks, then Honey versus the winner. d) Are the Bear family’s â€Å"collective preferences,† as determined by voting, transitive? No. 3. 15 (0) Olson likes strong co? ee, the stronger the better. But he can’t distinguish small di? erences. Over the years, Mrs. Olson has discovered th at if she changes the amount of co? ee by more than one teaspoon in her six-cup pot, Olson can tell that she did it. But he cannot distinguish di? erences smaller than one teaspoon per pot. Where A and B are two di? erent cups of co? ee, let us write A B if Olson prefers cup A to cup B. Let us write A B if Olson either prefers A to B, or can’t tell the di? erence between them. Let us write A ? B if Olson can’t tell the di? erence between cups A and B. Suppose that Olson is o? red cups A, B, and C all brewed in the Olsons’ six-cup pot. Cup A was brewed using 14 teaspoons of co? ee in the pot. Cup B was brewed using 14. 75 teaspoons of co? ee in the pot and cup C was brewed using 15. 5 teaspoons of co? ee in the pot. For each of the following expressions determine whether it is true of false. (a) A ? B. (b) B ? A. True. True. 32 PREFERENCES (Ch. 3) (c) B ? C. (d) A ? C. (e) C ? A. (f ) A B. True. False. False. True. True. True. False. True. False. False. False. Fa lse. True. , transitive? (g) B A. (h) B C. (i) A C. (j) C A. (k) A B. (l) B A. (m) B C. (n) A C. (o) C A. (p) Is Olson’s â€Å"at-least-as-good-as† relation, No. No. (q) Is Olson’s â€Å"can’t-tell-the-di? rence† relation, ? , transitive? (r) is Olson’s â€Å"better-than† relation, , transitive. Yes. Chapter 4 NAME Utility Introduction. In the previous chapter, you learned about preferences and indi? erence curves. Here we study another way of describing preferences, the utility function. A utility function that represents a person’s preferences is a function that assigns a utility number to each commodity bundle. The numbers are assigned in such a way that commodity bundle (x, y) gets a higher utility number than bundle (x , y ) if and only if the consumer prefers (x, y) to (x , y ). If a consumer has the utility function U (x1 , x2 ), then she will be indi? rent between two bundles if they are assigned the same utility. If yo u know a consumer’s utility function, then you can ?nd the indi? erence curve passing through any commodity bundle. Recall from the previous chapter that when good 1 is graphed on the horizontal axis and good 2 on the vertical axis, the slope of the indi? erence curve passing through a point (x1 , x2 ) is known as the marginal rate of substitution. An important and convenient fact is that the slope of an indi? erence curve is minus the ratio of the marginal utility of good 1 to the marginal utility of good 2. For those of you who know even a tiny bit of calculus, calculating marginal utilities is easy. To ? d the marginal utility of either good, you just take the derivative of utility with respect to the amount of that good, treating the amount of the other good as a constant. (If you don’t know any calculus at all, you can calculate an approximation to marginal utility by the method described in your textbook. Also, at the beginning of this section of the workbook, we list the marginal utility functions for commonly encountered utility functions. Even if you can’t compute these yourself, you can refer to this list when later problems require you to use marginal utilities. ) Example: Arthur’s utility function is U (x1 , x2 ) = x1 x2 . Let us ? nd the indi? rence curve for Arthur that passes through the point (3, 4). First, calculate U (3, 4) = 3 ? 4 = 12. The indi? erence curve through this point consists of all (x1 , x2 ) such that x1 x2 = 12. This last equation is equivalent to x2 = 12/x1 . Therefore to draw Arthur’s indi? erence curve through (3, 4), just draw the curve with equation x2 = 12/x1 . At the point (x1 , x2 ), the marginal utility of good 1 is x2 and the marginal utility of good 2 is x1 . Therefore Arthur’s marginal rate of substitution at the point (3, 4) is ? x2 /x1 = ? 4/3. Example: Arthur’s uncle, Basil, has the utility function U ? (x1 , x2 ) = 31 x2 ? 10. Notice that U ? (x1 , x2 ) = 3U (x1 , x2 ) ? 0, where U (x1 , x2 ) is Arthur’s utility function. Since U ? is a positive multiple of U minus a constant, it must be that any change in consumption that increases U will also increase U ? (and vice versa). Therefore we say that Basil’s utility function is a monotonic increasing transformation of Arthur’s utility function. Let 34 UTILITY (Ch. 4) us ? nd Basil’s indi? erence curve through the point (3, 4). First we ? nd that U ? (3, 4) = 3? 3? 4? 10 = 26. The indi? erence curve passing through this point consists of all (x1 , x2 ) such that 31 x2 ? 10 = 26. Simplify this last expression by adding 10 to both sides of the equation and dividing both sides by 3. You ? d x1 x2 = 12, or equivalently, x2 = 12/x1 . This is exactly the same curve as Arthur’s indi? erence curve through (3, 4). We could have known in advance that this would happen, because if two consumers’ utility functions are monotonic increasing transformations of each othe r, then these consumers must have the same preference relation between any pair of commodity bundles. When you have ? nished this workout, we hope that you will be able to do the following: †¢ Draw an indi? erence curve through a speci? ed commodity bundle when you know the utility function. †¢ Calculate marginal utilities and marginal rates of substitution when you know the utility function. Determine whether one utility function is just a â€Å"monotonic transformation† of another and know what that implies about preferences. †¢ Find utility functions that represent preferences when goods are perfect substitutes and when goods are perfect complements. †¢ Recognize utility functions for commonly studied preferences such as perfect substitutes, perfect complements, and other kinked indi? erence curves, quasilinear utility, and Cobb-Douglas utility. 4. 0 Warm Up Exercise. This is the ? rst of several â€Å"warm up exercises† that you will ? nd in Wor kouts. These are here to help you see how to do calculations that are needed in later problems. The answers to all warm up exercises are in your answer pages. If you ? d the warm up exercises easy and boring, go ahead—skip them and get on to the main problems. You can come back and look at them if you get stuck later. This exercise asks you to calculate marginal utilities and marginal rates of substitution for some common utility functions. These utility functions will reappear in several chapters, so it is a good idea to get to know them now. If you know calculus, you will ? nd this to be a breeze. Even if your calculus is shaky or nonexistent, you can handle the ? rst three utility functions just by using the de? nitions in the textbook. These three are easy because the utility functions are linear. If you do not know any calculus, ? l in the rest of the answers from the back of the workbook and keep a copy of this exercise for reference when you encounter these utility fun ctions in later problems. NAME 35 u(x1 , x2 ) 21 + 32 41 + 62 ax1 + bx2 v 2 x1 + x 2 ln x1 + x2 v(x1 ) + x2 x1 x2 xa xb 1 2 (x1 + 2)(x2 + 1) (x1 + a)(x2 + b) xa + x a 1 2 M U1 (x1 , x2 ) M U2 (x1 , x2 ) M RS(x1 , x2 ) 2 4 a v1 x1 3 6 b 1 1 1 x1 bxaxb? 1 1 2 x1 + 2 x1 + a axa? 1 2 ? ? ? ?2/3 ? 2/3 ? a/b ? v1 1 x ? 1/x1 ? v (x1 ) ? x2 /x1 2 ? ax1 bx 1/x1 v (x1 ) x2 axa? 1 xb 2 1 x2 + 1 x2 + b axa? 1 1 x2 +1 x1 +2 x2 +b x1 +a a? 1 x1 x2 36 UTILITY (Ch. 4) 4. 1 (0) Remember Charlie from Chapter 3? Charlie consumes apples and bananas. We had a look at two of his indi? erence curves. In this problem we give you enough information so you can ? nd all of Charlie’s indi? erence curves. We do this by telling you that Charlie’s utility function happens to be U (xA , xB ) = xA xB . (a) Charlie has 40 apples and 5 bananas. Charlie’s utility for the bundle (40, 5) is U (40, 5) = 200. The indi? erence curve through (40, 5) includes all commodity bundles (xA , xB ) such that xA xB = 200. So 200 the indi? erence curve through (40, 5) has the equation xB = . On xA the graph below, draw the indi? erence curve showing all of the bundles that Charlie likes exactly as well as the bundle (40, 5). Bananas 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 Apples (b) Donna o? ers to give Charlie 15 bananas if he will give her 25 apples. Would Charlie have a bundle that he likes better than (40, 5) if he makes this trade? Yes. What is the largest number of apples that Donna could demand from Charlie in return for 15 bananas if she expects h im to be willing to trade or at least indi? erent about trading? 30. (Hint: If Donna gives Charlie 15 bananas, he will have a total of 20 bananas. If he has 20 bananas, how many apples does he need in order to be as well-o? as he would be without trade? ) 4. 2 (0) Ambrose, whom you met in the last chapter, continues to thrive on nuts and berries. You saw two of his indi? erence curves. One indifv ference curve had the equation x2 = 20 ? 4 x1 , and another indi? erence v curve had the equation x2 = 24 ? 4 x1 , where x1 is his consumption of NAME 37 nuts and x2 is his consumption of berries. Now it can be told that Ambrose has quasilinear utility. In fact, his preferences can be represented v by the utility function U (x1 , x2 ) = 4 x1 + x2 . (a) Ambrose originally consumed 9 units of nuts and 10 units of berries. His consumption of nuts is reduced to 4 units, but he is given enough berries so that he is just as well-o? as he was before. After the change, how many units of berries does Ambrose consume? 14.

Monday, November 25, 2019

War of the Worlds Radio Broadcast Causes Panic

War of the Worlds Radio Broadcast Causes Panic On Sunday, October 30, 1938, millions of radio listeners were shocked when radio news alerts announced the arrival of Martians. They panicked when they learned of the Martians ferocious and seemingly unstoppable attack on Earth. Many ran out of their homes screaming while others packed up their cars and fled. Though what the radio listeners heard was a portion of Orson Welles adaptation of the well-known book, War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells, many of the listeners believed what they heard on the radio was real. The Idea Before the era of T.V., people sat in front of their radios and listened to music, news reports, plays and various other programs for entertainment. In 1938, the most popular radio program was the ​Chase and Sanborn Hour, which aired on Sunday evenings at 8 p.m. The star of the show was ventriloquist ​Edgar Bergen and his dummy, Charlie McCarthy. Unfortunately for the Mercury group, headed by dramatist Orson Welles, their show, Mercury Theatre on the Air, aired on another station at the very same time as the popular Chase and Sanborn Hour. Welles, of course, tried to think of ways to increase his audience, hoping to take away listeners from the Chase and Sanborn Hour. For the Mercury groups Halloween show that was to air on October 30, 1938, Welles decided to adapt H. G. Wellss well-known novel, War of the Worlds, to radio. Radio adaptations and plays up to this point had often seemed rudimentary and awkward. Instead of lots of pages as in a book or through visual and auditory presentations as in a play, radio programs could only be heard (not seen) and were limited to a short period of time (often an hour, including commercials). Thus, Orson Welles had one of his writers, Howard Koch, rewrite the story of War of the Worlds. With multiple revisions by Welles, the script transformed the novel into a radio play. Besides shortening the story, they also updated it by changing the location and time from Victorian England to present day New England. These changes reinvigorated the story, making it more personal for the listeners. The Broadcast Begins On Sunday, October 30, 1938, at 8 p.m., the broadcast began when an announcer came on the air and said, The Columbia Broadcasting System and its affiliated stations present Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre on the Air in The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells. Orson Welles then went on air as himself, setting the scene of the play: We know now that in the early years of the twentieth century this world was being watched closely by intelligences greater than mans and yet as mortal as his own... As Orson Welles finished his introduction, a weather report faded in, stating that it came from the Government Weather Bureau. The official-sounding weather report was quickly followed by the music of Ramon Raquello and his orchestra from the Meridian Room in the Hotel Park Plaza in downtown New York. The broadcast was all done from the studio, but the script led people to believe that there were announcers, orchestras, newscasters and scientists on the air from a variety of locations. Interview With an Astronomer The dance music was soon interrupted by a special bulletin announcing that a professor at the Mount Jennings Observatory in Chicago, Illinois reported seeing explosions on Mars. The dance music resumed until it was interrupted again, this time by a news update in the form of an interview with an astronomer, Professor Richard Pierson at the Princeton Observatory in Princeton, New Jersey. The script specifically attempts to make the interview sound real and occurring right at that moment. Near the beginning of the interview, the newsman, Carl Phillips, tells the listeners that Professor Pierson may be interrupted by telephone or other communications. During this period he is in constant touch with the astronomical centers of the world . . . Professor, may I begin your questions? During the interview, Phillips tells the audience that Professor Pierson had just been handed a note, which was then shared with the audience. The note stated that a huge shock of almost earthquake intensity occurred near Princeton. Professor Pierson believes it might be a meteorite. A Meteorite Hits Grovers Mill Another news bulletin announces, It is reported that at 8:50 p.m. a huge, flaming object, believed to be a meteorite, fell on a farm in the neighborhood of Grovers Mill, New Jersey, twenty-two miles from Trenton. Carl Phillips begins reporting from the scene at Grovers Mill. (No one listening to the program questions the very short time that it took Phillips to reach Grovers Mill from the observatory. The music interludes seem longer than they are and confuse the audience as to how much time has passed.) The meteor turns out to be a 30-yard wide metal cylinder that is making a hissing sound. Then the top began to rotate like a screw. Then Carl Phillips reported what he witnessed: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the most terrifying thing I have ever witnessed. . . . Wait a minute! Someones crawling. Someone or . . . something. I can see peering out of that black hole two luminous disks . . . are they eyes? It might be a face. It might be . . . good heavens, somethings wriggling out of the shadow like a gray snake. Now its another one, and another one, and another one. They look like tentacles to me. There, I can see the things body. Its large as a bear and it glistens like wet leather. But that face, it . . . ladies and gentlemen, its indescribable. I can hardly force myself to keep looking at it, its so awful. The eyes are black and gleam like a serpent. The mouth is kind of V-shaped with saliva dripping from its rimless lips that seem to quiver and pulsate. The Invaders Attack Carl Phillips continued to describe what he saw. Then, the invaders took out a weapon. A humped shape is rising out of the pit. I can make out a small beam of light against a mirror. Whats that? Theres a jet of flame springing from the mirror, and it leaps right at the advancing men. It strikes them head on! Good Lord, theyre turning into flame! Now the whole fields caught fire. The woods . . . the barns . . . the gas tanks of automobiles . . its spreading everywhere. Its coming this way. About twenty yards to my right... Then silence. A few minutes later, an announcer interrupts, Ladies and gentlemen, I have just been handed a message that came in from Grovers Mill by telephone. Just one moment please. At least forty people, including six state troopers, lie dead in a field east of the village of Grovers Mill, their bodies burned and distorted beyond all possible recognition. The audience is stunned by this news. But the situation soon gets worse. They are told that the state militia is mobilizing, with seven thousand men, and surrounding the metal object. They, too, are soon obliterated by the heat ray. The President Speaks The Secretary of the Interior, who sounds like President Franklin Roosevelt (purposely), addresses the nation. Citizens of the nation: I shall not try to conceal the gravity of the situation that confronts the country, nor the concern of your government in protecting the lives and property of its people. . . . we must continue the performance of our duties each and every one of us, so that we may confront this destructive adversary with a nation united, courageous, and consecrated to the preservation of human supremacy on this earth. The radio reports that the U.S. Army is engaged. The announcer declared that New York City is being evacuated. The program continues, but many radio listeners are already panicked. The Panic Though the program began with the announcement that it was a story based on a novel and there were several announcements during the program that reiterated that this was just a story, many listeners didnt tune in long enough to hear them. A lot of the radio listeners had been intently listening to their favorite program the Chase and Sanborn Hour and turned the dial, like they did every Sunday, during the musical section of the Chase and Sanborn Hour around 8:12. Usually, listeners turned back to the Chase and Sanborn Hour when they thought the musical section of the program was over. However, on this particular evening, they were shocked to hear another station carrying news alerts warning of an invasion of Martians attacking Earth. Not hearing the introduction of the play and listening to the authoritative and real sounding commentary and interviews, many believed it to be real. All across the United States, listeners reacted. Thousands of people called radio stations, police and newspapers.  Many in the New England  area loaded up their cars and fled their homes. In other areas, people went to churches to pray. People improvised gas masks. Miscarriages and early births were reported. Deaths, too, were reported but never confirmed. Many people were hysterical. They thought the end was near. People Are Angry That It Was Fake Hours after the program had ended and listeners had realized that the Martian invasion was not real, the public was outraged that Orson Welles had tried to fool them. Many people sued. Others wondered if Welles had caused the panic on purpose. The power of radio had fooled the listeners. They had become accustomed to believing everything they heard on the radio, without questioning it. Now they had learned - the hard way.